#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2024 Rin Cat (鈴猫) # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """Upload emojis to Misskey instance. This Python script will upload emojis from a local file or directory to the Misskey instance using the Misskey API. ## Emoji name The file name will be used as the emoji name. **Antything after the first "." in the file name will be ignored.** The emoji name will be converted to lowercase and "-" will be replaced with "_". Use non-alphanumeric characters as the emoji name is not recommended. You will run into compatibility issues when using them. ## Requirements Python 3.9+ is required to run this script. Python "requests" library is required. ## User API Token User needs to provide misskey instance URL and token as environment variables. `MISSKEY_URL`: URL of the Misskey instance, e.g. `https://example.com` `MISSKEY_TOKEN`: User token for the Misskey instance. Sometimg like `UgBX0DQprCwKrqRTfqTaoADy3QnVhThz` You can create the token from the Misskey settings page. `https://example.com/settings/api` Make sure the API token has the necessary permissions to upload emojis. You will most likely need to be an admin to upload emojis. The following permissions are required: - Access your Drive files and folders - Edit or delete your Drive files and folders - Manage emoji - View emoji The files will be uploaded to the API token owner's Drive. ## Usage Set the environment variable "MISSKEY_URL" and "MISSKEY_TOKEN" before running: ```bash export MISSKEY_URL="https://example.com" export MISSKEY_TOKEN="your_token_here" ./misskey_emoji_upload.py /path/to/emojis ``` Check the help for more options: ```bash ./misskey_emoji_upload.py --help ``` Contrct `@RinCat@pika.moe` on any ActivityPub if you have any questions. """ from __future__ import annotations import argparse import json import logging import mimetypes import os import sys import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Any try: import requests except ImportError: print('Please install the "requests" Python library.') # noqa: T201 sys.exit(1) TIMEOUT = 10 RATE_LIMIT_WAIT = 60 MISSKEY_URL = os.environ.get("MISSKEY_URL", "") MISSKEY_TOKEN = os.environ.get("MISSKEY_TOKEN", "") MISSKEY_API = MISSKEY_URL + "/api" logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO) mimetypes.init() def emojis_get_current_list() -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Get all custom emojis on the Misskey instance. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/meta/operation/emojis """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/emojis" logging.debug("Getting current emojis list from %s", url) response = requests.get(url, timeout=TIMEOUT) return json.loads(response.text)["emojis"] def emoji_add( # noqa: PLR0913 emoji_name: str, file_id: str, category: str, license_: str, *, sensitive: bool, local_only: bool, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Create a custom emoji on the Misskey instance. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/admin/operation/admin___emoji___add """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/admin/emoji/add" logging.debug("Adding emoji %s with file id: %s", emoji_name, file_id) response = requests.post( url, json={ "i": MISSKEY_TOKEN, "name": emoji_name, "fileId": file_id, "category": category, "license": license_, "isSensitive": sensitive, "localOnly": local_only, }, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) return json.loads(response.text) def drive_get_folders(folder_id: str | None = None) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Get Drive folders list in the Misskey instance. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/drive/operation/drive___folders """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/drive/folders" logging.debug("Getting drive folders list with folder id: %s", folder_id) response = requests.post( url, json={"i": MISSKEY_TOKEN, "folderId": folder_id}, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) return json.loads(response.text) def drive_show_folders(folder_id: str | None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Show Drive folders list in Misskey instance. if folder_id is None, it will show the root folder. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/drive/operation/drive___folders___show """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/drive/folders/show" logging.debug("Getting drive folder with folder id: %s", folder_id) response = requests.post( url, json={"i": MISSKEY_TOKEN, "folderId": folder_id}, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) return json.loads(response.text) def create_drive_folder(name: str, parent_id: str | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Create a folder in Drive in the Misskey instance. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/drive/operation/drive___folders___create """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/drive/folders/create" logging.info("Creating folder %s with parent id: %s", name, parent_id) while True: response = requests.post( url, json={"i": MISSKEY_TOKEN, "name": name, "parentId": parent_id}, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) data = json.loads(response.text) if "error" in data: if data["error"]["code"] == "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED": logging.warning( "Rate limit exceeded. Waiting for %s seconds.", RATE_LIMIT_WAIT, ) time.sleep(RATE_LIMIT_WAIT) else: raise RuntimeError(data) else: break return data def create_drive_folder_path(path: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Create a series of folders in Drive in the Misskey instance. If the folder already exists, it will return the existing folder data. The path should be a string with folders separated by "/". e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3" """ path_split = path.split("/") parent_id = None folder_data = None for folder in path_split: folders = drive_get_folders(parent_id) folder_exists = False # Check if the folder already exists for f in folders: if f["name"] == folder: folder_exists = True parent_id = f["id"] break if not folder_exists: folder_data = create_drive_folder(folder, parent_id) parent_id = folder_data["id"] # Get the last folder data if it already exists if folder_data is None: folder_data = drive_show_folders(parent_id) return folder_data def drive_upload_file( file_path: Path, folder_id: str | None, file_name: str, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Upload a file to Drive in Misskey instance. https://misskey.io/api-doc#tag/drive/operation/drive___files___create """ url = MISSKEY_API + "/drive/files/create" mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_name) if mime_type is None: mime_type = "application/octet-stream" logging.debug("Mime type of file %s is %s", file_name, mime_type) while True: logging.debug("Uploading file %s to folder id: %s", file_name, folder_id) with file_path.open("rb") as file: response = requests.post( url, files={"file": (file_name, file, mime_type)}, data={"i": MISSKEY_TOKEN, "folderId": folder_id}, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) data = json.loads(response.text) if "error" in data: if data["error"]["code"] == "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED": logging.warning( "Rate limit exceeded. Waiting for %s seconds.", RATE_LIMIT_WAIT, ) time.sleep(RATE_LIMIT_WAIT) else: raise RuntimeError(data["error"]) else: break logging.debug("File %s uploaded successfully with fileid %s", file_name, data["id"]) return data def start( # noqa: PLR0913 emoji_path_list: list[Path], drive_path: str = "", category: str = "", license_: str = "", *, sensitive: bool = False, local_only: bool = False, ) -> None: """Start the emoji uploading process.""" # Get the current emojis list to avoid duplicates current_emojis = emojis_get_current_list() emoji_dict = {emoji["name"]: emoji for emoji in current_emojis} # Create the drive folder path if user provided if drive_path: folder_data = create_drive_folder_path(drive_path) folder_id = folder_data["id"] else: folder_id = None # Upload emojis to Misskey instance for emoji_path in emoji_path_list: # Convert the emoji name if needed. emoji_name = emoji_path.stem.split(".")[0].lower().replace("-", "_") # Skip if emoji already exists if emoji_name in emoji_dict: logging.warning("Emoji %s already exists. Skipping.", emoji_name) continue # Upload the emoji file to the drive logging.info("Uploading emoji %s...", emoji_name) file_data = drive_upload_file(emoji_path, folder_id, emoji_path.name) file_id = file_data["id"] logging.info( "Emoji %s uploaded successfully with file id %s", emoji_name, file_id, ) # Create the emoji on the Misskey instance using the new file emoji_data = emoji_add( emoji_name=emoji_name, file_id=file_id, category=category, license_=license_, sensitive=sensitive, local_only=local_only, ) if "error" in emoji_data: raise RuntimeError(emoji_data["error"]) logging.info( "Emoji %s created successfully with id %s", emoji_name, emoji_data["id"], ) logging.info("\n") def main() -> None: """Prepare the arguments and start the emoji uploading process.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="ProgramName", description="What the program does", epilog="Text at the bottom of help", ) parser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the local emojis folder or single file") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--drive-path", help="Path to the upload misskey drive folder", default="emojis", ) parser.add_argument("-c", "--category", help="Category of the emojis", default="") parser.add_argument("-L", "--license", help="License of the emojis", default="") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--sensitive", action="store_true", help="Set the Sensitive of the emojis", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--local_only", action="store_true", help="Set the emojis local only", ) parser.add_argument( "-R", "--reverse", action="store_true", help="Reverse the emojis uploading order", ) parser.add_argument( "--log", help="Set logging level", default="INFO", ) args = parser.parse_args() logging.getLogger().setLevel(args.log.upper()) # Check Misskey URL and token if not MISSKEY_URL: msg = "MISSKEY_URL environment variable is not set." raise OSError(msg) if not MISSKEY_TOKEN: msg = "MISSKEY_TOKEN environment variable is not set." raise OSError(msg) local_emoji_path = Path(args.path) emoji_path_list = None # Check the path if not local_emoji_path.exists(): msg = f"Path {args.path} does not exist." raise FileNotFoundError(msg) if local_emoji_path.is_dir(): # Get all files in the directory emoji_path_list = [ p for p in local_emoji_path.absolute().glob("*") if p.is_file() ] if local_emoji_path.is_file(): emoji_path_list = [local_emoji_path] if not emoji_path_list: msg = f"No files found in {args.path}." raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Sort the emoji file list emoji_path_list.sort(reverse=args.reverse) start( emoji_path_list=emoji_path_list, drive_path=args.drive_path, category=args.category, license_=args.license, sensitive=args.sensitive, local_only=args.local_only, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()