 * Copyright(c) 2016 - 2019 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.

#ifndef __HALMAC_PCIE_REG_H__
#define __HALMAC_PCIE_REG_H__

/* PCIE PHY register */
#define RAC_CTRL_PPR			0x00
#define RAC_SET_PPR			0x20
#define RAC_TRG_PPR			0x21
#define RAC_CTRL_PPR_V1			0x30
#define RAC_SET_PPR_V1			0x31

/* PCIE CFG register */
#define PCIE_L1SS_CTRL			0x718
#define PCIE_L1_CTRL			0x719
#define PCIE_ASPM_CTRL			0x70F
#define PCIE_CLK_CTRL			0x725
#define PCIE_L1SS_CAP			0x160
#define PCIE_L1SS_SUP			0x164
#define PCIE_L1SS_STS			0x168

/* PCIE CFG bit */
#define PCIE_BIT_WAKE			BIT(2)
#define PCIE_BIT_L1			BIT(3)
#define PCIE_BIT_CLK			BIT(4)
#define PCIE_BIT_L0S			BIT(7)
#define PCIE_BIT_L1SS			BIT(5)
#define PCIE_BIT_L1SSSUP		BIT(4)

/* PCIE ASPM mask*/
#define SHFT_L1DLY			3
#define SHFT_L0SDLY			0
#define PCIE_ASPMDLY_MASK		0x07
#define PCIE_L1SS_MASK			0x0F

/* PCIE Capability */
#define PCIE_L1SS_ID			0x001E

/* PCIE MAC register */
#define GEN2_CTRL_OFFSET		0x80C

#define PCIE_GEN1_SPEED			0x01
#define PCIE_GEN2_SPEED			0x02

#endif/* __HALMAC_PCIE_REG_H__ */