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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright(c) 2015 - 2017 Realtek Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
#define _RTL8822BU_RECV_C_
#include <drv_types.h> /* PADAPTER, rtw_xmit.h and etc. */
#include <hal_data.h> /* HAL_DATA_TYPE */
#include "../../hal_halmac.h" /* RX desc */
#include "../rtl8822b.h" /* rtl8822b_query_rx_desc, rtl8822b_c2h_handler_no_io() */
int rtl8822bu_init_recv_priv(PADAPTER padapter)
return usb_init_recv_priv(padapter, INTERRUPT_MSG_FORMAT_LEN);
void rtl8822bu_free_recv_priv(PADAPTER padapter)
usb_free_recv_priv(padapter, INTERRUPT_MSG_FORMAT_LEN);
static u8 recvbuf2recvframe_proccess_c2h(PADAPTER padapter, u8 *pbuf, s32 transfer_len)
u8 ret = _SUCCESS;
/* send rx desc + c2h content to halmac */
rtl8822b_c2h_handler_no_io(padapter, pbuf, transfer_len);
return ret;
static u8 recvbuf2recvframe_proccess_normal_rx
(PADAPTER padapter, u8 *pbuf, struct rx_pkt_attrib *pattrib, union recv_frame *precvframe, _pkt *pskb)
u8 ret = _SUCCESS;
struct recv_priv *precvpriv = &padapter->recvpriv;
_queue *pfree_recv_queue = &precvpriv->free_recv_queue;
if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_MONITOR_STATE) == _FALSE) {
if (rtl8822b_rx_fcs_appended(padapter))
pattrib->pkt_len -= IEEE80211_FCS_LEN;
if (rtw_os_alloc_recvframe(padapter, precvframe,
(pbuf + pattrib->shift_sz + pattrib->drvinfo_sz + RXDESC_SIZE), pskb) == _FAIL) {
rtw_free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
ret = _FAIL;
goto exit;
recvframe_put(precvframe, pattrib->pkt_len);
pre_recv_entry(precvframe, pattrib->physt ? (pbuf + RXDESC_OFFSET) : NULL);
return ret;
int recvbuf2recvframe(PADAPTER padapter, void *ptr)
u8 *pbuf;
u8 pkt_cnt = 0;
u32 pkt_offset;
s32 transfer_len;
u8 *pphy_status = NULL;
union recv_frame *precvframe = NULL;
struct rx_pkt_attrib *pattrib = NULL;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
struct recv_priv *precvpriv = &padapter->recvpriv;
_queue *pfree_recv_queue = &precvpriv->free_recv_queue;
_pkt *pskb;
pskb = NULL;
transfer_len = (s32)((struct recv_buf *)ptr)->transfer_len;
pbuf = ((struct recv_buf *)ptr)->pbuf;
pskb = (_pkt *)ptr;
transfer_len = (s32)pskb->len;
pbuf = pskb->data;
pkt_cnt = GET_RX_DESC_DMA_AGG_NUM_8822B(pbuf);
do {
precvframe = rtw_alloc_recvframe(pfree_recv_queue);
if (precvframe == NULL) {
RTW_INFO("%s()-%d: rtw_alloc_recvframe() failed! RX Drop!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto _exit_recvbuf2recvframe;
precvframe->u.hdr.precvbuf = NULL; /* can't access the precvbuf for new arch */
precvframe->u.hdr.len = 0;
rtl8822b_query_rx_desc(precvframe, pbuf);
pattrib = &precvframe->u.hdr.attrib;
if ((padapter->registrypriv.mp_mode == 0) && ((pattrib->crc_err) || (pattrib->icv_err))) {
RTW_INFO("%s: RX Warning! crc_err=%d icv_err=%d, skip!\n", __func__, pattrib->crc_err, pattrib->icv_err);
rtw_free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
goto _exit_recvbuf2recvframe;
pkt_offset = RXDESC_SIZE + pattrib->drvinfo_sz + pattrib->shift_sz + pattrib->pkt_len;
if ((pattrib->pkt_len <= 0) || (pkt_offset > transfer_len)) {
RTW_INFO("%s()-%d: RX Warning!,pkt_len<=0(%d) or pkt_offset(%d)> transfer_len(%d)\n"
, __func__, __LINE__, pattrib->pkt_len, pkt_offset, transfer_len);
if (pkt_offset > transfer_len)
RTW_INFO("%s()-%d: RX Warning!,RXDESC_SIZE(%d), drvinfo_sz(%d), shift_sz(%d),pkt_len(%d)\n"
, __func__, __LINE__, RXDESC_SIZE, pattrib->drvinfo_sz, pattrib->shift_sz, pattrib->pkt_len);
rtw_free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
goto _exit_recvbuf2recvframe;
switch (pattrib->pkt_rpt_type) {
case C2H_PACKET:
/* C2H_PACKET doesn't use recvframe, so free it */
rtw_free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
if (recvbuf2recvframe_proccess_c2h(padapter, pbuf, transfer_len) == _FAIL)
goto _exit_recvbuf2recvframe;
case TX_REPORT1:
case TX_REPORT2:
RTW_INFO("%s: [WARNNING] RX type(%d) not be handled!\n", __func__, pattrib->pkt_rpt_type);
rtw_free_recvframe(precvframe, pfree_recv_queue);
if (recvbuf2recvframe_proccess_normal_rx(padapter, pbuf, pattrib, precvframe, pskb) == _FAIL)
goto _exit_recvbuf2recvframe;
/* jaguar 8-byte alignment */
pkt_offset = (u16)_RND8(pkt_offset);
pbuf += pkt_offset;
transfer_len -= pkt_offset;
precvframe = NULL;
} while (transfer_len > 0);
return _SUCCESS;